
Annual Meeting of TSPS
December 5 - December 6, 2020



一場突來、前所未有、又不斷延燒的新冠肺炎疫情改變了這個世界,奪去了許多寶貴的生命,也阻礙了全世界的交流,甚至有多國元首也難逃染疫。各國政府為了防疫不得不採取隔離或限制活動的措施,來防止疫情的進一步擴散。原本今年的年會預計要擴大舉辦,結合TST(台灣、新加坡、泰國三國會議),ICOPLAST及IMCAS三個會議, 將我們的年會變成國際級的大型會議。如今因為疫情的衝擊,我們不得不改弦更張,採取應變方式。所幸台灣防疫良好,我們將國際型會議變成現場與視訊結合的會議。我們在理監事、學術主席戴浩志主任和秘書處的通力合作下,希望能將年會辦的依然生動和精彩。

我們的國際講者包括美國ASPS 理事長Lynn Jeffers, UC Irvine的 Gregory Evans 教授, UC Davis 的Lee Pu教授, Duke University 的Scott Hollenbeck教授, 日本整外醫學會理事長Kiyokawa 教授領銜的六位教授, 韓國整外醫學會理事長 Kim 教授領銜的三位教授, 整鼻大師鄭東學教授Kidakorn Kiranantawat, Kang Eun Taek, 乳房大師Roy de Vita, Per Haden, Charles Randquist等三位教授, 體雕大師Michele Shermak, Kang Eun Taek等, 拉皮大師Jerry O'Daniel教授, 都透過視訊會議跟我們一起交流。大家關心的BIA-ALCL議題我們也邀請澳洲Ingrid Hopper教授分享乳房植入物登錄平台經驗。還有許許多多我們出色的會員講者現場與大家分享。另外我們也邀請眼科廖述朗教授分享眼整形。皮膚科專家曾宗仁、彭賢禮、廖怡華、黃柏翰與我們分享雷射與微整形,來一場針與刀的論壇,相信節目一定精彩萬分。

這一年來雖然受到疫情影響,學會依然正常運作。國際交流方面與韓、日、中、泰、印尼簽訂六國整外醫學會MOU;與IMCAS, ICOPLAST持續合作,促進國際交流。重要的教育活動如CME 如期舉辦,還有林靜芸理事開創新課程—開業醫師經驗分享。慈濟的大體老師訓練課程也在李俊達主任協助下順利舉行。專科醫師的考試與甄選順利舉辦。特管法與醫策會的美容認證,漸漸發揮效應,提升整形外科醫師的專業性。學會以教學服務會員學員為目的,所有大師外賓演講免費分享給所有會員,但依然保持財務健全。

我們的學術論著活躍,各中心發表於國際期刊的SCI論文豐碩。王先震院長領導的編輯部順利每季發行台灣整形外科雜誌,與美國APS的合輯每年也順利刊登20-30 篇論文,台灣整外的實力再獲國際認可。我們會員的另一個園地『整形春秋Story』也深獲好評。我們期望整形外科醫學會在大家努力下蒸蒸日上。


Welcome to our 2020 TSPS Annual Meeting!

I wish you and your family all the best and peace.

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting billions of people worldwide and causing tragic loss of life. This is a crisis unlike any other. In this difficult era, two things are worth reminding:

(1) The first is to continue to protect yourself. Due to the outstanding results of epidemic prevention, we can still hold physical meetings while complying with the new living standards for epidemic prevention (washing hands frequently, wearing masks, and maintaining social distance). Without health, you cannot have a professional career. We must continue to maintain epidemic prevention habits to maintain health.

(2) The next step is to prepare a recovery plan. On the eve of the annual meeting, news of the successful clinical trials of vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna made the battle against the the COVID-19 pandemic show hope; therefore, this is the time to prepare for recovery in advance to catch up with the progress.

The 2020 TSPS annual meeting adopts a mixed model of physical meetings and video conferences. International guest speakers will deliver special speeches in video conferences, coupled with on-site speeches and discussions by domestic experts and scholars, and provide multiple views on the same topic. Conference topics, I’ve troubled the directors and supervisors to design and invite foreign guests, including MOU special lectures, reconstructive surgery (microsurgery, head and neck reconstruction, breast reconstruction, burn reconstruction, etc.), cosmetic surgery (face lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, body contouring, etc.), laser and filler medicine, basic research, and free papers.

Looking forward to a wide range of issues and expert opinions that can provide us with space for thinking and discussion; and through mutual dialectics, we will enhance our own concepts, and prepare for recovery after experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the long night, usher in the dawn.