Yi-Chieh Chen(陳怡傑)

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  • 骨骼手術對中下臉輪廓的影響


    Effects of skeletal surgery on lower-facial profile
    The jawline plays a crucial role in defining the contour of the lower facial profile. For patients with unsatisfactory jawlines, improvement strategies must address both soft and underlying bone issues. Common soft tissue concerns include excess fat and loose skin, while skeletal issues involve the shape or position of the jawbone itself.

    Frequent mandibular shape concerns include excessively large or prominent mandibular angles, overly wide, too short, too long, skewed, or retracted chins. Mandibular position issues commonly involve retraction, protrusion, skew, too high or too low, and poor tilt angle.

    Mandibular shape correction typically involves bone resection, chin osteotomy, or implant augmentation. Mandibular position adjustment requires orthognathic surgery, which may be combined with dental correction if necessary.

    When addressing jawline concerns, bone issues should be prioritized over soft tissue issues. A common misconception is the unreasonable pursuit of a smaller face, leading to excessive bone reduction and subsequent soft tissue sagging.

    An ideal jawline requires adequate soft tissue support by mandible. The mandible itself must meet certain criteria to present an aesthetically pleasing and natural contour.

