Yen-Hsun Lee(李彥勳)

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  • 鼻頭之美—Pitanguy’s Midline ligament 的重要性

    The shape of a beautiful nose composes of highlights and shadows. The tip, dosum and the alar lobules are the highlighted parts, and the shadows are in the supratip break and the supra-alar creases. The tip of the Asian noses is usually under projected, amorphous and without definition. Augmentation rhinoplasty of the Asian patients should not only contain augmentation, but also create depressions (shadows) to form a delicate tip. A projected nose without definition makes the nose look big. The supratip break and the supra-alar creases are formed by tethering the skin to the underlying osteocartilaginous framework by Pitanguy’s ligament and vertical scroll ligaments. I would like to address some methods of Pitanguy’s ligament reconstruction to make the nasal tip look subtle and refined.