Wei-Tang Li(李維棠)

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  • When Beauty Bites Back — a case report of prolonged seroma and a case report of fat necrosis

    When Beauty Bites Back
    — a case report of prolonged seroma and a case report of fat necrosis

    Wei-Tang Li
    Department of Plastic Surgery, Taipei Medical University Hospital

    Seroma formation represents a frequent complication following a diverse array of surgical procedures, encompassing conditions that range from self-limiting occurrences to persistent, therapy-resistant fluid collections. This complication not only induces significant concern for both the surgeon and the patient but, if left untreated, can escalate into heightened morbidity, ultimately impacting overall satisfaction and the patient's experience.

    In recent decades, injectable fat-reducing compounds have been utilized primarily for cosmetic purposes. However, safety concerns persist due to a limited understanding of the physiological mechanisms underlying these injections, undefined upper limits regarding dosage (both volume and concentration), and a lack of standardized formulations and pharmaceutical-grade preparations.

    We present two cases illustrating the challenges associated with these procedures: one involving prolonged seroma development after liposuction, and another featuring fat necrosis subsequent to Lipodissolve injection. These instances underscore the imperative need for a more comprehensive understanding and standardization in these treatments to ensure patient safety and optimal outcomes.