Jimmy Ming-Jung Chuang(莊銘榮)

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  • 顱縫早閉重建手術:利用三維成像列印進行術前重建模擬與術中定位導板的應用 Craniosynostosis Reconstruction: The Application of 3D printing for presurgical virtual planning and patient specific navigation templates

    The optimal type of surgical correction remained a source of significant debate in craniosynostosis. A range of operative techniques have been developed, and decision making are usually based on the type of disease and the age of kids. Rapid prototyping technology was introduced in the 1990s to medicine via computer aided design. Of various medical fields, craniofacial surgery is one of areas that pioneered the use of the 3D printing concept.

    The standard procedure of Virtual surgical planning and computer-aided design for craniostosis whole vault correction included (1)High-quality volumetric 3D image collection and (2)3D image processing to Virtual 3D modeling (3)Planning the surgical osteotomies with extracting region of interest by software (4) Design the proper corrected model and design surgical cutting guides and navigation template (5) Generating 3D models with rapid prototyping, (6) apply for intraoperative bone remodeling (7) quality assurance of the model and its dimensional accuracy.

    Today, we will share several cases for step-by-step instruction and result analysis. First case is a 7 months old girl baby with scaphocephaly and trigonocephaly. Second case is a 8 mons old baby with pure sagittal craniosynostosis with too convex forehead. Third case is a 6 mons old boy baby. He is a syndromic case
    with Scaphocephaly and plagiocephaly head shape.

    Review our craniosynostosis surgery after the winter of 2018, there are total 13 cases. 3 are endoscopic, and one case with only strip synostectomy. 7 cases are whole vault cranioplasty with frontal-orbital reconstruction and 2 cases were posterior vault surgery.

    What is the benefit of 3D printing with virtual planning? First, it Relies less on subjective assessment and more on a standardized normal shape of age. Then Better predict to corrected head shape and Better achieve to surgical goals. And final, it Save surgical time and save blood-loss