• Knowledge domain visualization (KDV) of mammaplasty in autologous fat graft Medline literature

    This study is a sequela of our report on knowledge evolution of “systematic reviews (SR) in plastic surgery” on Annual Meeting of TPRSA, 2022, which focused on the 300s SR articles on general topics in the three major journals. The current study demonstrates a focused view on the detailed part of recent development of fat graft.

    462 abstracts of ("Adipose Tissue/transplantation"[MeSH Major Topic] and "Mammaplasty"[Mesh]) were retrieved from Medline database. The MeSH terms were calculated by our Python program, and the linked knowledge skeletons were illustrated by NetworkX network analysis and GraphViz visualization. The linkage were by naïve criteria of number of MeSH terms overlapped ( N )and the Jaccard coefficient( J ).

    The publications peaked at 2015, with 61 articles. The first three journals are PRS (129), JPRAS (50), and Aesth PS (43 articles).
    The main knowledge map of the whole “Mammaplasty” topic were presented by two resolutions by [N>8,J>0.55] and by [N>9-J,0.45], describing the tendency of discussions on safety and oncological issues in 2015s and then developments of new grafting techniques. Some “hub nodes” will be discussed.

    Our study demonstrate adequate coverage of the mammaplasty topic in the fat graft literature across the time axis.