Frank Chun-Shin Chang(張呈欣)

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  • Genioplasty: from the Simplest

    The field of aesthetic medicine has been changing in such a rapid pace it has become hard to keep up with the latest trends and developments. According to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, there was still a increase received hyaluronic acid injection, and botulinum toxin A injection during Pandemic of COVID 19. After the pandemic, there is much increase of usage of those two product. There is a trend of minimal invasive procedure and minimal downtime. Fat graft is the procedure that offers much longer time compare to hyaluronic acid. Because the facial surgical wound is minimal the recovery time is short. A careful combination of Hyaluronic acid and/or fat injection plus botulinum toxin injection could achieved some degree of chin contour changes. Genioplasty through prothesis placement or osteotomy could achieved much bigger and long-term changes. If combine with other procedures like Angle resection, orthognathic surgery, the facial profile change is much dramatic, but have long recovery time and much higher risk.
    The presentation will include different methods that change chin contour. The presentation will be started from the simplest of make-up, botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid injection and end with facial bone osteotomies.

    The author does not have any conflict of interest to declare.