Wen-Sun Tseng(曾文尚)

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  • The surgery of hump nose

    The patients of augmentation rhinoplasty increase much in recent years. Similarly their requirement and expect of augmentation rhinoplasty increase much more in recent years. All the plastic surgeon specialists should be familiar with the operation rhinoplasty , and we could give the patients better treatment。

    Dorsal hump reduction procedure is a common procedure among Caucasians.
    But more recently, there has been an increase in Taiwan patients who are looking for surgical correction of their hump noses. The operation method include hump reduction ( cartilage portion and bone portion) , osteotomy, dorsum reconstruction after hump reduction(correcting open-roof deformity ) , spreader graft, tip surgery , dorsal augmentation, and etc. We would like to present these cases with hump reduction。

