Chen Chun Chia 陳俊嘉

  • Cell Therapies for Chronic Leg Ulcers in Chung Shan Medical University Hospital: Three cases report

    Objective:To demonstrate an experience in cell therapy for chronic leg ulcers
    Materials & Methods:
    Chung Shan medical university hospital was proven to perform cell therapy for more than 6 weeks unhealing ulcer since it’s 2021. From January 2021 to October 2022, three cases were enrolled in this study. In regenerative medicine, adult stem cells are the most promising cell types for cell-based therapies. Chronic ulcer which was not healing more than 6 weeks will be included. Adipose cells were harvested through surgery from the patients. BioNet Corp. performed preparations to obtain adipose-based stem cells. There’re 6 times therapies weekly and 5x105 cells /cm2 was administered. The wound size will be followed up for next 6 months.
    The wound healing rate for right popliteal region reached 80.1% (from 7.84 to 1.52 cm2) during 2 months. The wound healing process were promoted by adipose stem cells therapy.
    ADSCs are safe, improve the healing of chronic ulcers, and reduce pain. As these results are consistent despite the expensive costs, they appear to highlight the efficacy of ADSCs in the treatment of chronic ulcers. Larger numbers of higher quality studies are needed to determine the precise role of ADSCs in treating chronic leg ulcers.

    Key words: Cell therapy, Chronic ulcers, Adipose based stem cells, Wound healing rate

