• The Application of Diced Medpor for Forehead and Scalp Dimpling Augmentation: 3 Cases Report

    We aim to augment forehead and scalp dimpling by using Medpor material. The custom-made Medpor module require re-shaping and could cause sharp margins. We propose our modified method to make the procedure much easier.

    Materials and Methods
    In the two temporal hallowing cases, we first dissect the sub-fascia plane at temporal region. And then we sliced the Medpor sheet form into 0.1 – 0.2 mm dice shape and placed them into a 5 cc syringe. Finally, we “inject” the diced-Medpor into the plane where we wish to augment. By placing purstring suture at the injection site before completing the injection, we can avoid the substance from escaping the pocket.
    In one of the forehead dimpling case, we harvest a sheet of temporal fascia first to contain the diced-Medpore. We then made them into dumpling structure to place at the region we wish to augment.

    The temporal hallowing and forehead dimpling was well corrected after over an year follow up.

    The Medpor material is suitable for long-lasting augmentation. The diced-Medpor makes us much easier to form the shape we require.