Eiko Tanaka

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  • Refinements of labiaplasty minora

    Labiaplasty, referring to a surgical procedure that reduces the length of redundant labia minora, is the most commonly requested genital rejuvenation by women. Over the last decade, there is constantly increasing .The trim, also known as edge excision, linear, and amputation labiaplasty, is a technique commonly used. Complications associated with a trim labiaplasty include hematoma , postoperative pain and scalloped labia edges. In order to avoid those complications, we use a new modified labiaplasty combine with injecting Liposomal bupivacaine (LB, Exparel). It is a satisfying and safe method to avoid those complications with low risks. The purpose of this speech is to show an innovative maneuver in the technique for this increasingly demanded procedure.

