Annual Meeting of TSPS
2023 TSPS Meeting
December 16 - December 17, 2023

2023 TSPS Meeting

Scientific Program

Noordhoff Lecture

Room A
Eric Santamaria, M.D.

Welcome Message

Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting is one of the founding country and we are pleased to this inaugural year of Asia Plastic Reconstructive Aesthestic Society held in Nagasaki. Dec. 16,17, 2023 in the Taipei Nankang Exhibition center, Hall 2, we will host the TSPS 2023 annual meeting. Accordingly, we invite the best and brightest plastic surgeons in the specialty from APRAS countries, including Korea, Japan, and Singapore, and several international well known plastic surgeons. This meeting has many participants from around 20 international fellows yearly in different training centers. There is a two day conference, and the articles include surgery, minimally invasive procedures, administration, and mentorship.

We cordially welcome every international plastic surgeons to join us for this coming prosperous TSPS 2023 annual meeting.


Keynote Speaker

Noordhoff Lecture

International Invited Speakers

Local Invited Speakers